Basements: Problems We Can Help You Solve!

Often the most challenging space in a home is the basement. Most homeowners arrive to find the basement unfinished, others may find it finished, but showing signs of water damage, cracking, or mold. Even when a basement has been newly finished, the windows are, at most, small, and too high for eye level, which tends to give these spaces a closed in feeling, scant natural lighting, and no decent views. Privacy may be a concern if the windows face a city sidewalk, and the temperature of the room is generally cooler than the rest of the house, summer and winter, while the humidity generally feels higher.

Laqfoil walls and ceilings can solve many of these problems in one fell swoop.

Here, a wide open sky above takes that closed in feeling right away and puts a positive, expansive mood in its place.

Laqfoil Stretch Ceilings and Walls

laqfoil pink back lit high gloss stretch ceiling

Sunshine, Tropical or Mediterranean scenery also warm up the atmosphere, but some added insulation and heating may be necessary to bring the feel of the space into line with the look. Fortunately, Laqfoil stretch ceilings and walls can be used to cover that extra insulation, while providing a sealed moisture and vapour barrier to reduce that humid feeling.

custom wall cover in luxury basement by laqfoil

This exciting ceiling admits honestly that the viewer is ‘underneath’ while creating a complete fantasy as to what it is that the viewer is underneath.

The scenery, however, is far from the only option. Warm colours, like red, combined with light reflecting surfaces, perhaps something light like white, and finished with a high gloss, can also open up, warm, and brighten the space.

multilevel stretch ceiling glossy gray fabric in the basement by laqfoil

Note how the light cast in the ceiling by the one and 5 lamp luminaires emulates the rays of the sun? A striking way to warm and brighten a space, indeed!

This home bar/lounge goes all out with colour, texture, and lighting.

custom basement with multilevel reflective purple stretch ceiling decor

While traditionalists may consider a black ceiling, or even black walls to be a decorating no-no because of low light reflectance, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. First, a gloss finish adds to the ceiling’s reflectivity, second, black need not cover the entire ceiling, just an interesting detail.

custom wall cover in low ceiling basement by laqfoil

And third, all choices depend upon the room’s intended use. Bars, lounges, and theatres are normally and best lit dimly. Are those real windows on the side wall? Or are they light fixtures behind faux windows covered with Laqfoil stretch membrane? You be the judge!

–Esther Yates-Abrams

20 Magnetic Dr. Unit 2,,, 1-888-663-1708, 416-663-1708

Few Photos of Our Projects


A Basement Remodelling in Oakville, Ont.