Grand Opening of Sand & History

We were pleased to attend the grand opening last night (Sept. 18, 2013) of the Sand & History Museum in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

The former hockey and skating arena has been transformed into a museum of sand sculptures commemorating the War of 1812.

The sand sculptures on display are of breathtaking detail, down to individual hairs of fur on animals.

huge custom banner for Grand Opening of Sand & History by laqfoil team toronto

Our CEO, Jack Verchenko, and Operations Manager, Melissa Gooding met the Honorable Michael Chan, Minister of tourism, culture and sport, William K. Montour, Six Nations of the Grand River Chief, Kim Craitor, Niagara Falls’ member of provincial parliament, Niagara Falls Mayor Jim Diodati, Sergey Chernenko, Senior Council to the Consulate General of the Russian Federation, and Craig Mutch, Photographer, Artist and Sculptor.

We also enjoyed performances by DWAE NA GAS DAS/First Nations Youth Choir and Mark Chindemi, also known as Chino Chinwa.

We learned a great deal about the War of 1812 and the local history of the Niagara Region, and how that history contributed to the geography of Canada today. Everyday experiences like eating a Laura Secord chocolate will have a whole new meaning for us now!

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Sand & History: Sand Sculpture Museum in Niagara Falls