There’s no hiding it any more, Toronto has been a bit embarrassed lately. The shenanigans of have been widely reported in the international media. We still have a lot to be proud of, however, and it was perhaps this civic pride that motivated a Home Life Brokerage in Toronto recently to have us install a beautiful full-wall print of the Toronto skyline.
Our printable wall and ceiling material comes in rolls that are five metres wide. That’s right, not five feet, not five metres long, FIVE METRES WIDE! That means we can go as large as five metres without a seam, ON THE SHORT SIDE! Of course, we can do smaller prints as well, as this one is, and we can also do larger projects – we have very neat ways of creating straight, unobtrusive seams – but your space has to be pretty large before we would need to use them!
Custom Wall Covers by Laqfoil

Laqfoil stretch ceilings are installed in about 2 hours for most rooms with no fumes or dust, all parts are fully recyclable, there are guarantees of 25 years and 10 years on the materials and workmanship, and there is far less volume and weight to our materials than conventional materials to cover the same amount of ceiling.

Our membrane has a static electrical property that causes it to repel dust and other contaminants, and it is nonporous, so it doesn’t absorb odours. If anything should get stuck to it, it wipes clean without any need for harsh or toxic cleaners.

We are often asked, how much space will the room lose? The answer is less than an inch! The plenum created in that space between the stretchy membrane and your existing wall or ceiling is just enough to cover any flaws or texture (think: ugly stucco, patches, stains, cracks), absorb some unwanted sound (the membrane vibrates when sound hits it, thus turning sound energy into motion energy) and create thermal insulation with a layer of air that doesn’t circulate.
If you wish to place the membrane further out, for instance, to fit lighting behind it and/or create curves as Pureflow Healthcare has done, we can do that, too.

–Esther Yates-Abrams
Laqfoil Ltd.
20 Magnetic Dr., Unit # 2
Toronto, Ont. M3J 2C4
Tel: 416 663 1708
Fax: 416 663 1707
Toll Free : 1 888 663 1708
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