Pavilions, Booths and Exhibits

Whether it’s a school project, a trade show booth, or a free-standing indoor or outdoor pavilion, the point is to get noticed. All three of these structures have a few other characteristics in common. They are all temporary, so should be made from materials that won’t go to a landfill. At the same time, they need to be solid and durable for the time that they are erect and in use, and lightweight and collapsible to enable moving. They all need to show thoughtful attention to detail and present a “put together” image. They all occupy a specific and generally small amount of floor space. Most often, they function as a representation of a larger company, organization or concept, so they present a distilled précis of a greater whole.

Laqfoil Stretched Ceiling

Pavilions, booths and exhibits also tend not to have ceilings! So why am I writing about them on the Laqfoil stretched ceiling blog? Because we, and our amazing material, can do more than just stretched ceilings! First, with over 260 colours of high-gloss, satin and matte material as well as digitally printed oversized images, we can get you and your message noticed! Our membrane material can easily be stretched to cover temporary (collapsible) or permanent framework. Since it stretches perfectly flat, it’s always a fast and easy way to look perfectly neat and put together. This look can be emphasized with broad stretches of shiny high gloss material in white or a striking colour, or stunningly mysterious matte black. The profiles which hold the edges of our membranes in place measure at just under 1 inch thick, so floor space isn’t a problem, plus, the whole assembly, even if quite large, can be suspended easily from an exhibit hall ceiling, as both our membranes and our profiles are lightweight.

For more pictures, check out our “Commercial Spaces” board on Pinterest.

–Esther Yates – Abrams

Laqfoil Ltd.

20 Magnetic Dr., Unit # 2
Toronto, Ont. M3J 2C4

Tel: 416 663 1708
Fax: 416 663 1707
Toll-Free: 1 888 663 1708


Unlimited Ceiling Designs