Remember traditional Asian restaurants? Coming from a small town in Ontario, what I remember first is that there were no nationalities represented except Chinese. Second, since red is an auspicious colour in Chinese culture, almost all of them were red, often with opulent accents of gold leaf or foil, large traditional Chinese chandeliers, and luxuriant drapery and table linens. There’s a new generation of Asian restaurants popping up now, and red is no longer on the menu. Darkness and soft lavish accents have been replaced by clean, bright energetic spaces featuring white with accents of either bright or pastel colours in lunch and bubble tea spots, and often a palette featuring champagne, gold, and crystal in high end dinner-crowd establishments. I love the variety of different cuisines now represented, and have yet to encounter one Asian cuisine that isn’t wonderful!
Laqfoil’s Stretch Ceiling Membrane for The Walls and Ceilings
Laqfoil has recently created a series of displays for the walls and ceilings of Pho Saigon Noodle House, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It was important to owner Calvin Lam to create an appropriate atmosphere to enjoy Vietnamese cuisine using images of the beautiful landscape and native flora of Vietnam. We replaced a few acoustic ceiling tiles in an apparently random pattern with tiles wrapped in stretch ceiling membrane, which stretches perfectly tight and wrinkle-free over ceiling panels, to add colour, interest, and atmosphere.
Flowers were chosen for the tiles, coordinated to the colours for the establishment’s walls.
On the walls, panorama images taken by Mr. Lam himself in Vietnam highlight not only the country and culture, but also express Calvin’s personality, showing the places that are special to him, and thus influential to the victuals that he features. Centered on the ceiling, another scene is displayed. In the soft focus background, an ancient looking temple. The foreground of colourful foliage is in sharp focus.
To renovate your restaurant with prints or stretch ceiling designs, contact 416-663-1708
–Esther Yates-Abrams
20 Magnetic Dr., Unit # 2
Toronto, Ont. M3J-2C4
Tel: 416 663 1708
Fax: 416 663 1707
Toll-Free: 1 888 6631708
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